Street Photography Perth - Still Life
What is still life street photography? It's the funny, strange and surreal of of everyday life with people not quite there. We can't see them in a frame but we can see what have they been doing and only wonder. Japanese Haiku and street photography have crossed my mind lately a few times. I even wrote one for my still unseen by anyone photographs from cockfight in Bali.
I think Haiku and still life SP are closely related to each other and can work very well together. Haiku as a caption anyone?
Fremantle, Australia, ©Piotrek Ziolkowski, 2013
Fremantle, Australia, ©Piotrek Ziolkowski, 2013
Fremantle, Australia, ©Piotrek Ziolkowski, 2012
Cowaramup, Australia, ©Piotrek Ziolkowski, 2013