Ronnie Coleman - Portrait
Ronnie Coleman, © Piotrek Ziolkowski, 2014
Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to photograph Ronnie Coleman - the most accomplished bodybuilder in history of the sport. One thing led to another and I ended up arm wrestling with him too :) I've won but I don't think his heart was in it (naturally I'll be bragging about this grueling match of strength for the rest of my life.) Ok, he probably let me win...
Ronnie is a very interesting character - he got into the sport by accident, worked as a police officer till 2003, is a devout Christian and has a surprisingly hight pitched voice. Oh, he also leg pressed 1043 kg/2300 lbs once.
I don't know if it's the religion or ability to lift immense weights but he seems to have great inner calmness or peace. Very interesting man indeed.